Health, Fitness & Nutrition


In 2014 I made a conscious decision to improve my health and fitness. I had two main objectives. One was to get myself ‘match-fit’ for the second half of my life. The second was to attract a new partner. What I hadn’t anticipated for, was the mental change that doing regular physical exercise would bring. Many people have commented on how at ease I am with myself, and I attribute this to the clarity of thought that I’ve acquired. Without doubt I am a much fitter and happier person than I was only few short years ago.

LBF Testimonal

A short video testimonial I did for Luke Bremner Fitness in 2015.

Tuesday HIIT

This was a quick test I did at Luke Bremner Fitness using my JVC digital camcorder to test quality and sound.

GoPro Test

A time-elapsed test I did at Luke Bremner Fitness using my GoPro Hero to test lighting levels.

Page Tech Notes:
  • Retain your audience’s attention with video content. YouTube or Vimeo videos can be easily added to any page. Using the content management system, you can update or change links to video files. Previously this wasn’t possible to do using our old software tools.

  • Testimonials and endorsements can help to provide confidence that reassures potential customers.

Luke Bremner Fitness avatar

“Well done @derekdigital for another sterling effort in improving your #mobility and #strength in this morning’s session.”

Luke Bremner Fitness